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NOTICE | U.C.S. Website Guide

Page Info

Writer PRIME! The date of Writing15-08-28 05:52 Hits9,119times Comment14cases



We've just opened Pump it up U.C.S page, and here is some information about using it.

The nickname of U.C.S page is same with your name of Pump it up official webpage, not a usb ID.

We believe there will be a great expectation and enjoyment for piu users. Thank you

[Menu explanation]

1. What is U.C.S?
This announcement includes explanation for U.C.S and we provide downloading some programs and sample files for that as well.

2. My activity
You can check the contents about your activities.

3 U.C.S Sharing
You can share your steps with other users, evaluate them, and check them through preview mode. Moreover, you can play them in your game center by downloading them.
At first, you have to check the steps through preview beforehand to give ratings to them.

4 U.C.S Chart
You can check the most popular step in each month by category.

5. Step Making Contest
We are preparing for the step making contest.
We'll find a unique developers and steps which match the most with PIU.
On top of that, a variety of contests will take place soon. Stay tuned.

6. Community
News and events regarding U.C.S are offered here.
You can share a lot of information and opinins with users.

7. File Upload
You can upload files simply and conveniently.

8. Sample files download.
You can get files of songs which can make U.C.S, they are assorted in PIU versions, so you can find easily what you want.
Songs of PRIME are coming soon. please expect our next update. thank you

Please be interested in U.C.S. We are really expecting users to enjoy U.C.S very actively.

Thank you.

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Comments index

fluz님의 댓글

fluz 작성일

Thank you piugame for opening UCS website! This is amazing, I'm so excited!
I have one question. Is there any possible way to change my "stepmaker" nickname? I tried info change but there is no nickname form that I can edit. Thank you in advance, keep up the Superb work!

Nek0x2님의 댓글

Nek0x2 작성일

Changing the name of the stepmaker will be great, that's the only bad thing is see on the page right now. Good work. Also... We want to upload some Prime UCS now!

eliotime3K님의 댓글

eliotime3K 댓글의 댓글 작성일

Nice idea. It should be useful if appears a UCS in a official update.

TheBala님의 댓글

TheBala 작성일

비밀글 댓글내용 확인



This seems so nice. I'm very excited for this!!

Itsugo_23님의 댓글

Itsugo_23 작성일

waiting prime song to make UCS

gurrumination님의 댓글

gurrumination 작성일

비밀글 댓글내용 확인



quiero jugar



Good job, waiting for the UCS contest

FKRriuel님의 댓글

FKRriuel 작성일

빨리.. 빨리 프라임이랑 숏컷 등등.. 모든 곡들좀 오픈해주세요..



ESO NO DICE COMO USAR LA UCS, por que no dicen los pasos para poder jugar la UCS en un corto instructivo porque no da ningun tema aunque descargue todo, gracias...