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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing18-06-25 18:30 Hits12,456times Comment0cases



Hello everyone.
We would like to notice the official update of PRIME2 2018 v2.04.0 version.

★ How to update ★


1. Prepare recognizable USB for the machine.

2. Please download PRIME2 2018 update patch file, and then save it on the root of your USB.
Link1 : 2.04.0 patch


3. Lastly, insert USB into the machine of PRIME2, then press “Test” button located in the service box of machine and go to "SETUP / USB DRIVE" menu and select "SYSTEM UPDATE"The update will be processed and rebooted automatically.
* If the machine is connected with internet, update file will be downloaded automatically and the update will be processed when the machine is rebooted.
(Downloading depends on Internet speed)

★ Update notice ★

1. For updates, you can use normal USB you have (Some USBs might be incompatible).


2. It is not able to update the latest version without installing previous versions.

* You are required to update as following order and we attached these previous patch files for your convenience.


1.01.0 patch
1.02.0 patch
1.02.1 patch
1.03.0 patch
1.04.0 patch
1.05.0 patch
1.05.1 patch
1.06.0 patch
1.07.0 patch
1.08.0 patch
1.09.0 patch
1.10.0 patch
1.10.1 patch
1.10.2 patch
2.00.0 patch
2.00.1 patch
2.01.0 patch
2.02.0 patch
2.03.0a patch
2.03.1a patch
2.03.2a patch

3. You must put the update file on USB root. (Do not put it in any other folders)


★ Update list ★




1. New Songs
1) Title : Cross Over
Artist : HyuN
BPM : 200
Step chart : S7, S11, S15, D14
S??, S??, D??, D?? (Unlocked step)

2) Title : Walts of Doge
Artist : Cashe
BPM : 125
Step chart : S8, S11, S14, S17, D12 D18
S??, D?? (Unlocked step)
D?? (Card only step)

3) Title : Black Dragon
Artist : Memme
BPM : 162
Step chart : S5, S8, S11, S17, D11 D17
S??, D?? (Unlocked step)

4) Title : A Site De La Rue
BPM : 186
Step chart : S8, S11, S17, D12
S??, D??, D?? (Unlocked step)

5) Title : Gargoyle Full Song
Artist : Sanxion7
BPM : 150
Step chart : S20, S21, D22
S??, D?? (Unlocked step)
D?? (Card only step)


2. New Step Charts


1) Title: Sarabande
Artist : MAX
BPM : 157
Step chart: S12

2) Title : The People didn't know
Artist : Banya Production
BPM : 134
Step chart : S12

3) Title : Blazing
Artist : Banya
BPM : 158
Step chart : S19

4) Title : Imprinting
Artist : sakuzyo
BPM : 175
Step chart : D16

5) Title : Start On RED
Artist : Nato
BPM : 160
Step chart: D18

6) Title : Redline
Artist : Archefluxx
BPM : 170
Step chart : D21

7) Title : Anguished Unmaking
Artist : void
BPM : 170
Step chart : D22

8) Title : Removable Disk0
Artist : Doin
BPM : 130
Step chart : CO-OP02

9) Title : Banya Hiphop Remix
Artist : Banya
BPM : 99
Step chart : D20

10) Title : Paradoxx
Artist : Nato & MAX
BPM : 220
Step chart : D25


3. Quest zone


Quest “Chapter9” is updated.

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