EVENT | The 4th ANDAMIRO Contents Creation Contest Notice

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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing23-02-10 16:59 Hits13,313times Comment1cases


(Changed the contest name from Pump It Up contest to AM CONTEST)

* Participate as an official artist in PUMP IT UP and Andamiro Rhythm Game!

03. Contest_Banner_ENG.png



1. Contest Period

All of the times listed below are in Korea Standard Time, from the beginning of the day (0:00) to the end (23:59).


1) Music Contest Period

- Preliminary: February 10, 2023, ~ May 7, 2023

- Semi-final: May 12th - May 28th, 2023

- Final results announcement: June 1, 2023


2) Note Design Contest period

- Preliminary: February 10, 2023, ~ May 7, 2023

- Final results announcement: June 2023


2. Preliminary application (February 10, 2023, ~ May 7, 2023)

Please create your own artwork that fits the format of the contest and send it to amcontest@andamiro.com by mail with the artwork attached.


1) Music Contest Form

- Email Subject: [AMCONTEST-MUSIC] Subject - Nickname or Name

- E-mail content: Title of the content (ex. MAX – Sarabande), name, country, date of birth, description of your content

- File attachment: MP3, 44100Hz, 192kbps, or higher music file or the online storage address link

2) Notes Design Contest Form

- E-mail Subject: [AMCONTEST-DESIGN] Subject - Nickname or Name

- E-mail content: name, country, date of birth, description of your content
- File attachment: layered PSD file or link to the online storage address


3. Caution

1) Music Contest

- There is no BPM limit or genre limit.

- The length of the music must be produced between 1:45~2:00.

- The submission format is MP3, 44100Hz, 192kbps or higher music file. (For winning works, additional formats including master WAV are required.)

- The submitted content must be the applicant's original work, and only one work per person can be submitted.

- Collaboration by two or more people is also recognized as one work, and additional submissions are not allowed.
- Before the announcement of the semi-final, applicants with a higher ranking based on the score of the developers will be contacted regarding content usage explanations, and if the applicant refuses or does not respond before the start of the semi-final, they will be excluded from the semi-final round.

2) Note Design Contest

- The animation of the note design is 6 frames, and each Arrow Note and Long Note must be produced. (Reference video.zip)

-The shape and size of the note design must be produced by referring to the template.(Reference Template)

- One person can submit multiple works, but they must be original works.

3) Common

- There is no restriction on participating countries.

- Content that has already been released to the public or submitted or released in other contests will be excluded from screening.

- Only during the preliminaries period, you can modify and submit content that has already been submitted.

- The submitter must own the copyright and original copyrights for the submitted content (the rights of music by groups other than himself/herself are not recognized, and the legal responsibility lies with the person concerned). can be reproduced.

- Taxes and dues for the prize money are borne by the winner, and the standard exchange rate is based on the current one.

- Non-commercial personal disclosure of the submitted content is possible after the prize winners of this contest are announced.



4. Semi-Final - Music Popularity Vote (May 12th - May 28th, 2023)

- All works submitted in the preliminary round will be evaluated by the development team, and 70% of the development team's score will be applied.

- Select the BEST 20 based on the score of the development team and upload it to YouTube.

- Public voting is held and points are awarded in proportion to the number of “likes” from users.

- The score of the Popularity vote is 30% applied.


5. Final results announcement (June 2023)

- Development Team grades 70% + Scores from votes 30% = Final score (The final score is not disclosed.)

- Ranking and announcement in order of highest final score

6. Prize

*Even if you are not ranked, you have a chance to participateas an outsourced creator after review, so please participate.


1) Music Contest

- 1st Place: Prize money KRW 2,000,000

- 2nd Place: Prize money KRW 1,000,000

- 3rd Place: Prize money KRW 500,000

- 4th to 10th place: Prize money KRW 200,000

2) Note Design Contest

- 1st Place: Prize money KRW 500,000

- 2nd Place: Prize money KRW 300,000

- 3rd to 5th Place: Prize money KRW 200,000




01. Contest_HD_ENG.png

Comments index

PRIME!님의 댓글

PRIME! 작성일

제4회 안다미로 콘텐츠 콘테스트에 응모하신 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
마감 전 많은 분들의 응모로 평가에 시간이 더 필요하게 되어 악곡 인기투표 일정을 연기하게 되었습니다.
기존 : 2023년 5월 12일~5월28일
변경 :  2023년 5월 19일 ~ 6월 4일
악곡 인기투표에도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
Thank everyone who entered the 4th Andamiro Content Creation Contest.
Due to the large number of entries before the deadline, we need more time to evaluate, so we've decided to postpone the date for Semi-final(popularity vote)
Changed Date : May 19 - June 4, 2023